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With Portion Control, Size Does Matter

Writer: Spa 23 Spa 23

Written By: Danae Maxwell

One of the biggest challenges when losing weight is controlling the size of the portions. I have often heard my clients tell me that they are making all the right choice but can’t understand why the scale is not moving down. The scale unfortunately is very similar to the cash register at Target. It adds up every little thing you eat the way the register adds up everything you buy. So you go into Target for just one thing and at the register you see you have spent $200. How did that happen? The same way those extra calories get into our intake. Quantity. With portion control the size of the serving is everything. A lot of extra quantity occurs because portions are so large, and the correct portion size is very surprising. Here are some examples:

1 Serving of butter is about the size of a postage stamp

1 Serving of Pasta is about the size of a baseball

1 Serving if a Potato is about the size of a computer mouse

1 Serving of Protein is about the size of your palm or a deck of cards

1 Serving of Fruit is usually smaller than expected too

1 Serving of an apple, orange or pear is about the size of your fist

1 Serving of Vegetable

1 Serving of Dairy

Which serving size surprises you most?


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