The Importance of Your Resting Heart Rate
Written By: Dylan Shane
Regardless of one’s age or overall level of physical fitness knowing your resting heart rate is a great way to reflect your current health. It is one of the easiest and quickest methods that can be done practically at any time. Not only will knowing your resting heart rate show one’s current health ,but it will give a glimpse at the future as well. Our hearts keep us alive and moving every single second of the day. Treating your heart now will undoubtedly be priceless for the future!
My own at home study!
I am currently a student at Montclair State University, as all my classes have been converted to online. I lost precious lab time where we conduct highly interesting studies that examine multitudes of overall health/fitness indicators. Labs we have conducted range from VO2 max, underwater weighing, thermoregulation, max aerobic fitness, and many other interesting topics.

I have decided to conduct a small lab of my own that is super easy to perform that anyone can do while only requiring minimal time. I used two methods of finding my heart rate three days in a row. The time of time you measure your heart rate will always fluctuate due to many factors such as nutrition, level of activity or body temperature. In order to get the most accurate results I recorded my heart rate following waking up each morning. I used two methods to gather these results to see the difference between them. The first was using a Garmin Dual Heart Rate Monitor. This simply is a heart rate strap that connects to my watch to automatically record and display my heart rate in live time. The second method was using the classic radial artery, which is found on the inside of your wrist thumb side. By placing two of my fingers just below my thumb on my wrist I counted the numbers of pulses during a 30 second duration to find my resting heart rate. Below I have a chart with my 3 day average as well as a chart showing averages for every age group.
